"If you can’t get through the mountain, go around it.
If you can’t go around it, go over it
If you can’t go over it, sit down and ask yourself, if getting to the other side is all that important?
If it is, set about digging a tunnel!"
Cipa S.p.a.
Cipa S.p.A’s main activity is making tunnels and small, medium and large dia- meter shafts and it is active in the field of soil stabilization for some years. It should count as a reference the fact that there is no underground in Italy to which Cipa has not contributed and the undergrounds of Warsaw and Copenhagen must be added.
Cipa Spa, founded in 1986, it is already in its 30s; on the strength of a hundred-year-old engineering culture, it is a company with an heritage of knowledge, equipment but above all of human re- sources specialized in large underground works. It represents a point of reference in the market, thanks to the experience gained in the field of tunnels, shafts and soil stabilization.
For years we’ve been pursuing the goal of being a company capable of solving big problems
Civil and industrial buildings
Roads higways, bridges,viaducts
Raylways, undergroundse, underground works
Pluming and sanitary installations
Litchens, laundries
General finishing works of construction and technical nature
Road safety components
Structural steel components
Special structural works
Internal telephone radio telephone and tv installations
Cipa S.p.a
Via Modesto Panetti, 95
00138 Roma